Baby Carson!

Carson Alexander Lenz was born on July 20, 2010 at 10:02 am. The day before I had a doctor's appt. where my doctor stripped my membranes (yes, it is about as enjoyable as it sounds). Dr. Teel delivered Caden just 4 years prior and I asked him if he would consider getting the party started on the early side as Caden was 9lb, 7oz as my first baby. The good doctor agreed and we set up an induction for the following week. That night I went home and had some cramping and woke up at 6am with some decent pains. I called my mom who literally leapt out of bed and jumped in the car. I showered and called the hospital at 7:00am and based on the length of my contractions they told me to do more laboring at home. I called back at 7:15am and told them I was coming, we loaded the kids in the car, and Jon dropped me off at the front door of the hospital. Yes...dropped me off, hospital bag and all, it was a bit weird but we had just moved to town and didn't have a good childcare plan. I begged and pleaded and finally wailed for an epidural and after the nurse realized I was 7cm dilated, she promptly called the man with the good stuff (the anesthesiologist) who made my world a little better. Jon arrived shortly thereafter (I really wish he could experience labor pains, just once in his life) and at 9:58am the good stuff immediately wore off and I felt the urgent need to push. Sure enough, I was dilated 10cm and sweet baby Carson was born at 10:02am on July 20th, 2010 at a whopping 9lbs, 13oz.
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